Help to reduce inequity

Help to reduce inequity

  • reducing children’s work
  • fewer robotic jobs done by humans
  • less inequity

Full showreel video

160 million children are working. The latest global estimates indicate that the number of children in child labour has risen to 160 million worldwide – an increase of 8.4 million children in the last four years, according to UNICEF and ILO

We are looking to increase visibility, cooperation and sponsorship

  • we will deliver full plans, easily available parts list, and software
  • free for personal and research usage
  • small fee for commercial manufacturing/usage
  • planning contests for technical teams to deliver the most efficient solution based on patent

Sponsorship perks (also for promoting the project)

  • huge, lifetime discounts on construction and software
  • dedicated, unique items
  • surprises 🙂
  • ObotX shares for sponshorship above $100k
  • and others

Are you a corporation and would you like to add your logo here?

For more information on:

  • what we can propose for sponsorship
  • our plans
  • cooperation options

please write:
[email protected]