Polish team comes first in Warsaw Marathon!
Poland’s Izabela Paszkiewicz – runner-up in the women’s marathon. Photo: PAP/Leszek Szymański

Polish team comes first in Warsaw Marathon!

With Poles coming second in both the women’s and the men’s marathons and first in the wheelchair marathon, this was a victorious day for Polish athletics. It is reported by Upmp.news with reference to “Polskie Radio”

With Poles as runners up in both the men’s and the women’s marathons and Witold Wisztela the first across the line in a wheelchair, this was Poland’s day. 

Poland also came first in the TEAM UP! Europe duos with the combined times of the top three duos as follows: 

POLSKA 2 (Mateusz KACZOR, Izabela PASZKIEWICZ) – 04:43:57
UKRAINA 1 (Mykola NYZHNYK, Olha NYZHNYK) – 04:44:37
UKRAINA 2 (Vitaliy SHAFAR, Marina NEMCHENKO) – 04:51:52

Winner of the women’s marathon, Olga Nyzhnyk from Ukraine:

Winner of the men’s marathon, Levente Szemerei from Hungary:

Sources: X/@Warsaw_Marathon, Polish Radio English Section
