WARNING! Warning of the deterioration of weather conditions January 21-23.
According to the UkrHydrometcenter, on January 21-23, significant deterioration of weather conditions are expected to occur on the territory of Luhansk Oblast. It is reported by Upmp.news with reference to the press service of the Lugansk regional state administration.
According to UkrHydromettsentra, in the territory of Luhansk Oblast, during January 21-23, a significant deterioration of weather conditions is expected:
-heavy precipitation, sticking wet snow and ice on wires and trees, ice on the roads;
-increase of wind speed to 15-20 m/s, in places 25 m/s, snowstorms, snow sills;
– increase of height of snow cover up to 20-30 cm.
In this regard, we remind you of the need to:
– refrain from driving vehicles, and in case of urgent necessity – to strictly follow the Rules of the road and the procedure of operation with ice-cold;
– choose clothes and shoes properly before going outside, to restrict travel on a long distance, especially at night;
– while staying in the street with strong wind gusts, try not to walk along the open trees, as well as stay away from billboards and power lines;
– Be careful when traveling on ice. Use shoes with a sole with microporous or other soft base and without high heels. Older people and pregnant women should be especially careful – do not go outside by yourself. If after a while you feel pain in your head or joints, nausea, or if you have a tumor, you should contact your doctor immediately.
Information about the location of the heating units in Lugansk region can be found at the link: http://lugansk.dsns.gov.ua/files/Docs/punkt_18.01.2018.pdf