The Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko signed the Law of Ukraine No. 2446-VIII “On the State Budget of Ukraine for 2018”. It is reported by with the reference to the official website of the head of our state.

President Petro Poroshenko signed the Law of Ukraine No. 2446-VIII “On the State Budget of Ukraine for 2018”, adopted by the Verkhovna Rada on December 7.

The state budget revenues for 2018 are estimated at UAH 917.9 billion, while the expenditures amounts to UAH 991.7 billion.

The budget deficit is supposed to be at the level of UAH 80.6 billion or 2.4% of GDP. The maximum amount of public debt is set at UAH 1999.3 billion, which is 60% of GDP.

Planned amount of state guarantees is defined to be UAH 24 billion.

Proceeds from privatization are expected to reach UAH 21.3 billion.

The subsistence level and the minimum wage is expected to increase by 9% and 16.3%  respectively.

Ukraine is planning to allocate UAH 59,9 billion on state social assistance to low-income families, for able-bodied people, for children, for people who have lost their ability to work and for the disabled of I or II health group.

71 billion UAH provided for housing subsidies to the population and utility costs cover.

The amount of educational subvention is set to be UAH 61.7 billion, medical subventions – 57.4 billion UAH.

In 2018, the State Road Fund is created with an expenditure volume of 32.9 billion UAH. In total, 47.7 billion UAH is planned spend for roads development. The Energy Efficiency Fund provides UAH 1.6 billion, and another UAH 0.4 billion for the implementation of the State Target Economic Program for Energy Saving.

In 2018 Ukraine continues supporting local budgets for the implementation of investment programs and regional development projects: UAH 6.0 billion is allocated for the State Fund for Regional Development; 5,0 billion UAH – subventions for the implementation of measures on the socio-economic development of certain territories; UAH 1.9 billion – subventions for the creating the infrastructure of the united territorial communities.

The law comes into force on January 1, 2018.