Ukraine Children's Action Project

Ukraine Children’s Action Project

In this video, political consultant Katerina Odarchenko analyzes a sociological study on the psychological state of children in Ukraine. The survey was conducted on behalf of the “Ukraine Children’s Action Project.”

According to the survey results conducted by the “Rating” Sociological Group among mothers of Ukrainian children aged 3 to 17 years, commissioned by the “Ukraine Children’s Action Project,” the following findings were obtained:

– 42% of children are engaged in online schooling or preschool programs.

– 29% follow a mixed format of learning, combining online and in-person classes.

– 26% attend educational and childcare institutions in person.

– Only 3% of children are educated exclusively at home.

Online schooling is most prevalent in the frontline territories, while online and mixed formats are common among residents of the de-occupied areas and urban centers. In Kyiv, more than half of the children engage in both online and mixed formats, while nearly 40% attend educational institutions in person. In western regions, almost half of the children (47%) attend schools in-person, 40% follow a mixed format, and only 10% are consistently learning online.

The majority of Ukrainian children attend schools or preschools, with only 8% not attending. The primary reasons for children not attending educational institutions are school closures due to the war (60%) and parents’ reluctance to send their children to school/preschool due to safety concerns during the conflict.

Almost a third of children either skip classes every day (10%) or several times a week (18%). 36% reported skipping classes a few times a month, while 34% rarely encountered this issue. Those living in frontline territories, away from home, or exclusively learning online were most likely to skip classes. The main reasons for class absences, as identified by parents whose children skipped classes, were air raid alarms (61%), lack of heating and electricity (49%), or the child’s illness (44%).