From now on entrance to the center of Wroclaw by car with a gasoline or diesel engine costs 30 zlotys per day can. It is reported by with the reference to Gazeta Wrocławska.
The bill, which allowed the introduction of such a meeting, was adopted by the Government of Poland. Now it was sent to the Seim. According to the Ministry of Energy, the law may come into force this year. Initially it was planned to introduce provisions preventing the entrance of old cars to city centers. But the government decided that they would cover all cars with internal combustion engines.
The fee for entering the city centers supposed to help fighting against smog. According to the new rules, city authorities are to decide whether to participate in the program. The upper limit of the daily rate is 30 zlotys. The fine for entering the city center without a fee is 500 zlotys. Only cars that use electricity, natural gas or hydrogen fuel will be exempted.
Wroclaw did not accept the final decision to introduce a fee for entering the center.
“– If the Sejm creates a legal basis for the prohibition to enter the city centers for cars, that exceed the emission standards, I will immediately introduce such a ban, – Dutkevich said. – We would like to limit traffic in some parts of Wroclaw to environmentally friendly cars. Cities in western Europe are preparing to restrict centers and let in only hybrid and electric cars. We would have done it already, but we do not have a legal framework,” he stressed.
It has not yet been decided what borders of the Wroclaw zone will be covered by fees.